Join us at the atmospheric carbon removal summit, hosted by the Climate Recovery Institute (CRI), as we bring together key players from industry, government, NGOs, and finance to kick-start the development of an Australian carbon removal industry.
Wednesday 27 September, 2023 9:00am to 4:30pm Networking drinks to 6:30pm
University of Technology Sydney Business School 14-28 Ultimo Rd, Haymarket NSW 2007
Connect with experts and leaders from technology, industry, policy, NGOs, and community groups to help develop a roadmap for the future of atmospheric carbon removal in Australia.
The IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report warns that the world is on track to exceed the Paris Agreement’s climate targets. To avoid catastrophic warming, it’s no longer enough to achieve deep cuts in emissions by decarbonising existing industry. Carbon budgets now also require us to remove 5-15 billion of tonnes of historical CO2 from the atmosphere every year, starting from 2030. As a portion of Australia’s emissions this is equivalent to tens of millions of tonnes atmospheric carbon dioxide removal each year from the 2030s.
Why Australia is poised to lead in atmospheric carbon removal
Australia’s unique physical capabilities and existing industries provide strong foundation and comparative advantage for development of a competitive CDR industry. These include strengths in renewable energy, minerals, primary industries, research, building materials, advanced manufacturing, project engineering, and finance.
Addressing the Immaturity of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technology
There is rapid progress developing new and promising early-stage CDR technologies across land and marine, biological and mineralisation methods. But current projects are far from the gigatonne scale required. We don’t have the luxury of decades that traditional innovation diffusion usually takes and need a concerted approach to achieve technology and commercial maturity in the timeframes required.
The importance of early collaboration for a just transition
Collaborating with diverse stakeholders, including First Nations people, is crucial to ensuring an equitable environmental transition. By being an early mover, Australia can create new net-zero emissions industries and jobs that will endure throughout the transition.
Speeding up the pace
While work has begun on advancing CDR technologies, it’s not happening fast enough. We know from Australia’s successes and setbacks in renewables that scaled and competitive deployment involves communities, supply chains, finance and policy – not just technology.
We need to build on these lessons to jumpstart collaboration and innovation to develop a thriving atmospheric carbon removal industry in Australia.